Editorial Team
Editor in Chief:
Dr. N. Sriram, Mpharm., PhD
Florance college of Pharmacy,
Ranchi, Jharkand.
Dr. T. Mangilal, M.Pharm, P.h.D , PDF, MD (A.M), Professor & Principal, smt Sarojini Ramulamma college of pharmacy, Sheshadhrinagar, Mahabubnagar -509001, Telangana.
Mudavath Hanuma Naik, M.Pharm.,PhD , St Marys College of Pharmacy, St.Marys Group of Institutions for women. Chebrolu (Village&Mandal) Guntur(Dist) Andhra pradesh Pincode : 522212
Anjali Mishra, Assistant Professor, Jharkhand Rai University, Ranchi, NAAC
Dr. Himansu Bhusan Samal , Associate Professor & Associate Dean, School of Pharmacy and Life Sciences, Centurion University of Technology and Management, Bhubaneswar, Odisha